Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Wednesday August 2nd, 2006

Work is busting my balls again, so I need to get this up and done and back to the hell that is my job...

Do not search for a calf under an ox Fate leads the willing but drives the stubbornYou cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds Excess of ceremony shows want of breeding Exigency is the matriarch of ingenious contrivance. Macaw ask parrot if mango ripe, he say one, one.A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain. Keep your powder dry

Keep your powder dry, or it will become some kind of paste. And THEN what will you do? And does anyone else think that "Exigency is the matriarch of ingenious contrivance" would look EXCELLENT on a coffee mug?

hold on just a moment if you please. Didnt you just thank me forfinding this thing?I did.

Simple and to the point. Question asked, question answered. No need for further commentary.

Filter nose plugs. For neutralizing gas. Steengo had known something-or guessed something. He also knew how affected I had been by thesessions in the Veritorium. He had suspected that something physical,

The sessions in the Veritorium require filter nose plugs? Steengo, you are a rapscallion!

up and the smoker nodded beneficently.You are right of course, Jim. The responsibility has been great, thepressure continuous. And I am surrounded by morons-stulteguloj,

And we all know that stulteguloj morons are the worst kind of morons.

A good beginning makes a good ending.Your troubles seem larger the longer you look at them He Is Rich Enough That Wants NothingThe female of the species is more deadly than the maleMany people know how to say nothing; few know whenA stitch in time saves nine.

A good beginning makes a good ending? This guy obviously never saw Popeye. Or my fabulous pick-up moves (thank God someone finally fell for them)

miss. To fire demands permission of Watch Commander. That is why I wasto be executed. I sought not his permission.Accidents happen.

awful calm for a guy who apparently ordered warfare without proper approval. Accidents happen? I'm thinking Gene Hackman in Crimson Tide. Or possibly Paul Rudd in Anchorman.

That does it for today. See you tomorrow!

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